Useful Info About Freelancing

Useful Info About Freelancing

I once tried to do freelancing as a developer although it wasn't successful, what I want is to give it another chance, what I really want is to make a couple of projects more to show off what I can do with MERN Stack. Making projects is very important to me, I remark it often because I'm a self-taught software developer, and that's the way I've learned everything I know.

I've found a couple of useful articles about freelancing. Luke Ciciliano has an interesting guide about it that I recommend.

What is freelancing

Hard Truths about being a freelance software developer

Freelancing Websites that Pay through Payoneer

Freelance Web Developer Guide

Tips for making money as a freelance developer

These are the next projects that I'll be showing on my portfolio and as an example of what I can do. I'll use all my tools and do the best I can to show a nice development. It should be noted that in my GitHub account I have more than 50 projects. So I'll mention that too.

  • Cities Slider

  • E-commerce

  • Coffee Shop

  • Blog Promotion Page

  • Product Landing Page

Also, I think I'll improve my portfolio, I need to design a better style and update the projects I display adding the best ones. I'll be showing my progress on this project in articles. Hope you found this information useful.